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Joseph Franz Karl Lanner

Born: 12th April 1801, Vienna, Austria

Died: 14th April 1843, Dobling, Austria

Nationality: Austrian

Joseph Lanner was an Austrian dance music composer and dance orchestra conductor. He is best remembered as one of the earliest Viennese composers to reform the waltz from a simple peasant dance to something that even the highest society could enjoy, either as an accompaniment to the dance, or for the music's own sake. He was just as famous as his friend and musical rival Johann Strauss I, who was better known outside of Austria in their day because of his concert tours abroad, in particular, to France and England.

Lanner had a lesser-known son, August Lanner, who was just as musically gifted and prodigious as his father, but whose budding career was cut short by his early death at age 20. His daughter Katharina became a well known international ballet dancer, settling in London where she became an influential choreographer and teacher.

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